Warning Signs That You Need to See an Orthopedic Surgeon

Making a living in Singapore may mean doing hard and strenuous work day in, day out. Whether your job involves a lot of twisting and turning or lifting heavy objects, your joints, muscles, and nerves are going to be worn out at the end of the day. Even worse, you may have a body or joint pain. When this happens, you are likely going to turn to pain killers to recuperate. At times, this may be all you need to get back on your feet, but other times, the pain you experience may be the early signs of a fracture or other painful conditions. If you don’t take prompt action, the condition will deteriorate and become severe.

In this article, we are going to be looking at some tell-tale signs that you need to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic doctor in Singapore. Read more about bone specialists and orthopedic surgeons and clinics here: https://sgbonedoctor.com/

Difficulty in climbing stairs

As we slowly age, our hips and knees naturally begin to deteriorate. This, thus, makes it difficult for us to move around. But sometimes, the condition may become excruciatingly painful and unbearable. If you are having trouble climbing stairs, walking for short distances, or getting out of chairs, then you should consider seeing an orthopedic surgeon, as the pain you are experiencing may be a sign that your joints are damaged.

Severe shoulder pain

If you experience shoulder pain that intensifies at night or gets worse each day that passes, then you should visit an orthopedic specialist as soon as you possibly can. The throbbing pain you are experiencing in your shoulder region could be signs of a condition known as Tendonitis. The condition is linked to certain injuries and the overuse of the muscles, which ultimately cause the tendon to swell.

Swollen wrist

If you accidentally fall or landed on your hand while playing a sport or doing some physical activity, chances are, you will end up with a swollen or sprained wrist. A sprain is basically the stretching of the tender ligaments that connect the bones to each other. Pulling these ligaments could lead to loss of mobility and excruciating pain in the wrist.

Worsening injury

As you likely know, injuries sustained from major accidents like a fall or a collision often takes a long time to heal, but if the pain isn’t reducing, chances are, you have a fracture. In simple terms- a fracture is a crack in a bone. They usually occur in the leg, arms, spine, and hips. Below are some signs of a fracture-

  • Pain that worsens with pressure and movement
  • Loss of function in the affected area
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

Twisted ankles

Stepping on an object while walking can sometimes cause you to twist your ankle. The pain from bruising and swelling that follows, are typical signs of a sprained ankle. Sprains are common among people who move around a lot. Note that people who had ankle sprains in the past are very much likely to have it again.

Numb hands

If you regularly experience a tingling sensation in your index and middle finger, there is a huge possibility that you have a carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition is common among people working with heavy machinery that vibrates a lot or requires continuous flexing of the wrist.


If you have any of the above conditions, then you should make plans to visit any of the many orthopedic specialists in Singapore for examination and treatment. Dragging it out or waiting for the injury to heal gradually is not recommended because you are unable to discern the true extent of the injury on your own.